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Кинофестиваль в Карловых Варах 2009

«Кинофестиваль в Карловых Варах» — 44-й фестиваль состоится с 3 по 11 июля 2009 года в чешском городе Карловы Вары.

Основная статья о кинофестивале: «Кинофестиваль в Карловых Варах» .

В этом году на экранах фестиваля будет преставлено порядка 220 полнометражных картин со всех кинемаографических уголков планеты.



25 июня стал известен состав Жюри главного конкурса KVIFF, проводящегося в Чехии с 1946 года. Судьбу «Хрустального глобуса» будет решать судейская коллегия во главе с француженкой Клоди Оссар (Claudie Ossard), продюсером и режиссёром, чья карьера началась в рекламной индустрии — она как продюсер впервые задействовала образы Мартина Скорсези и Эмира Кустурицы в сфере рекламы. В её активе такие картины, как «Аризонская мечта» Кустурицы, «Деликатесы» Жан-Пьера Женю и знаменитая «Амели», получившая «Хрустальный глобус» фестиваля в 2001 году.

В составе жюри также актриса из Северной Европы Мария Бонневи (Maria Bonnevie), сыгравшая главную роль в «Изгнании» Андрея Звягинцева, знаменитая Ники Карими (Niki Karimi) из Ирана, актриса с превосходным послужным списком и режиссёр, чей второй фильм под названием «Несколько дней спустя» имел отличную фестивальную судьбу.
Мужская часть жюри представлена уругвайским режиссёром, сценаристом и продюсером Родриго Пла, кинообразование получившим в Мексике и в той же Мексике получившим в этом году аж восемь «Серебряных Ариэлей» за драму «The Desert Within», влиятельным американским кинокритиком Кенетом Тураном (Kenneth Turan), пишущем о кино в «Los Angeles Times» и «The Washington Post» и двумя славянами: это Иван Захарьяш (Ivan Zachariáš), режиссёр из мира рекламы (у него 6 «Золотых львов» за ролики от Каннского фестиваля рекламы) и наш Сергей Дворцевой, который в представлениях не нуждается и который на этом фестивале далеко не новичок.

Основной конкурс

В конкурсе представлены 14 лент, созданных (выпущенных) после 1 января 2008 года, и которые ранее были указаны в конкурсе другого международного кинофестиваля.

  • «Ангел у моря» / Angel at Sea / Anděl u moře
    Режиссёр: Фредерик Дюмон (Frédéric Dumont)
    Бельгия, Канада, 2009, 86 мин. Мировая премьера
  • «Аплодисменты» / Applause / Potlesk
    Режиссёр: Martin Pieter Zandvliet
    Дания, 2009, 86 мин. Мировая премьера
  • «Гималаи, где обитают ветра» / Himalaya, Where the Wind Dwells / Himálaj
    Режиссёр: Jeon Soo-il
    Южная Корея, Франция, 2008, 95 мин. Международная премьера
  • «Двадцать» / Twenty / Dvacet
    Режиссёр: Абдулреза Кахани (Abdolreza Kahani)
    Иран, 2009, 88 мин. Международная премьера
  • «Холодные души» / Cold Souls / Duše Paula Giamattiho

Режиссёр: Софи Бартес (Sophie Barthes)
США, 2008, 101 мин. Европейская премьера

Режиссёр: György Pálfi
Венгрия, 2009, 100 мин. Международная премьера

Режиссёр: Vinko Brešan
Хорватия, Сербия, 2008, 112 мин. Международная премьера

Режиссёр: Humberto Hinojosa Ozcáriz
Мексика, 2009, 83 мин. Международная премьера

Режиссёр: Владимир Балко (Vladimír Balko)
Словакия, 2009, 97 мин. Международная премьера

Режиссёр: Роберт Глински
Польша, Германия, 2009, 94 мин. Мировая премьера

Режиссёр: Davide Ferrario
Италия, 2009, 102 мин. Международная премьера

Режиссёр: Benoît Jacquot
Франция, Швейцария, 2008, 97 мин. Международная премьера

Режиссёр: Василий Сигарев
Россия, 2009, 86 мин. Международная премьера

Режиссёр: Андреас Дрезен (Andreas Dresen)
Германия, 2009, 108 мин. Международная премьера


Вечером в субботу, 11 июля, объявлены призеры 44-го международного кинофестиваля в чешских Карловых Варах. Гран-при фестиваля, сообщается на официальном сайте, получила картина "Ангел у моря" (Un ange a la mer) бельгийского режиссера Фредерика Дюмона. На приз в главной номинации кинофестиваля претендовал фильм Василия Сигарева "Волчок". В программе "К Востоку от Запада", в которой представлены картины стран Восточной и Центральной Европы, главного приза - "Хрустального глобуса" - удостоилась лента Андрея Хржановского "Полторы комнаты или сентиментальное путешествие на родину". Номинантами в этой программе, напомним, также были "Бумажный солдат" Алексея Германа и "Баксы" Гуки Омаровой.

Лучшим режиссером был признан немец Андреас Дресен (Andreas Dresen) с работой "Виски с водкой" (Whisky mit Wodka). Специального приза фестиваля - за вклад в мировой кинематограф - удостоились Джон Малкович, Изабель Юппер и Ян Шванкмайер.

Конкурс документального кино

Act of God / Act of God / Boží zásah Режиссёр: Jennifer Baichwal Канада, 2009, 75 мин. Европейская премьера In her new film, the creator of the renowned work Manufactured Landscapes chronicles seven stories from around the world linked by lightning strikes. Is it chance or God’s intervention? The director seeks answers from, among others, writer Paul Auster and a Cuban community that worships Shango, the god of lightning.

Anas: una película Индия / Anas: An Индияn Film / Anas: indický film Режиссёр: Enric Miró Испания, 2009, 118 мин. Международная премьера Anas Zaghlul from the town of Nablus is an engaging Palestinian who was once a promising athlete and an usher at a movie theater. One night, however, a shocking experience changes his life. The film’s Spanish director offers an original blend of stylized documentary and journalistic insights into the dismal reality in which his uncommon hero is trying to lead a normal life.

Anders & Harri / Anders & Harri / Anders & Harri Режиссёр: Åsa Blanck, Johan Palmgren Швеция, 2008, 13 min Anders and Harri are best friends. They both like music but Anders also loves trains. One day they set out for the town of Geta where a tragic railroad accident occurred in 1918. They are so moved by the memorial site that they write a song about it. A non-sentimental film about friendship, fear, and trains.

Diario di uno «Scuro» / The Diary of an Affiliate / Deník mafiána Режиссёр: Davide Barletti, Edoardo Cicchetti, Lorenzo Conte Италия, 2008, 61 мин. Международная премьера The true story of Antonio Perrone, a university student from a respectable middle-class family, who in the 1980s became a founding member and boss of the mafia organization known as the Sacra Corona Unita. Today he is serving out a 49-year sentence.

Do bolu / Till It Hurts / Než to začne bolet Режиссёр: Marcin Koszałka Польша, 2008, 25 min A 53-year-old psychiatrist still lives at home with his mom. After a long period of emotional abstinence, he meets Ewa and his enthusiasm over his new love evokes a hysterical reaction from his imperious mother. An intimately-drawn tragicomedy by a great talent of Polish documentary filmmaking, part of a documentary series that follows up on Kieślowski’s Decalogue.

Lessons from the Night / Lessons from the Night / Noční přednášky Режиссёр: Adrian Francis Австралия, 2008, 9 min During the routine execution of her job, a Болгарияn immigrant named Maia — one among the nameless hordes of male and female cleaners — muses about life and its meaning, thus allowing a look into her surprisingly diverse past. This existential film about cleaning is also a tribute to the thoСШАnds of anonymous individuals carrying out serious work for laughable pay.

Los que se quedan / Those Who Remain / Ti, co zůstávají Режиссёр: Juan Carlos Rulfo, Carlos Hagerman Мексика, 2008, 96 min What does it mean to live in a Mexican village where half of the population has left to find work in the США? What do parents go through who haven’t seen their children in years, or children who grow up without their fathers? Juan Carlos Rulfo (winner at the 2006 KV IFF with In the Pit) and Carlos Hagerman present a decades-old problem from the perspective of those left behind.

Muezzin / Muezzin / Muezzin Режиссёр: Sebastian Brameshuber Австрия, 2009, 80 мин. Мировая премьера Since the time of the Prophet Mohammed, faithful Muslims have heeded the muezzin’s call to prayer five times a day. Each year in Turkey the best of these compete, and their powerful expressivity proves that muezzins are a special kind of artist. This Австрияn film follows the dramatic progress of the competition and investigates the phenomenon of individuality within Islamic culture.

Osadné / Osadné / Osadné Режиссёр: Marko Škop Slovak Republic, Чехия, 2009, 65 мин. Мировая премьера In this cheerful «document-toury movie» by Other Worlds creator Marko Škop, an Orthodox priest, a long-serving mayor, and a Ruthenian activist set out on a journey from the remote eastern Slovak village of Osadné for the European Parliament in Brussels.

Side om side / Side By Side / Vedle sebe Режиссёр: Christian Sønderby Jepsen Дания, 2008, 30 min A debut filmmaker decides to get at the truth of the causes of an age-old grudge between his father and elderly Mr. Frost, two men who have long had adjoining backyards. This staged documentary features compelling visual compositions and the disarmingly dry humor of the distinctive inhabitants of western Jutland.

The Sound of Insects — Record of a Mummy / The Sound of Insects — Record of a Mummy / Bzučení hmyzu: zápisky mumie Режиссёр: Peter Liechti Швейцария, 2009, 88 min The actual diary entries of a man who decided to commit suicide by starving himself to death, elaborated into a literary form by Japanese writer Masahiko Shimada. Drawing on the novel, this evocative cinematic reconstruction of events provides a hypnotic record of the feelings of someone who voluntarily forfeited his life.

La terre de la folie / Land of Madness / Kraj šílenství Режиссёр: Luc Moullet Франция, 2009, 90 мин. Международная премьера In his latest movie, French film legend Luc Moullet analyzes the fecund occurrence of psychological disorders and their attendant murders and suicides during the past century in a southern French region at the base of the Alps.

Thriller in Manila / Thriller in Manila / Thriller v Manile Режиссёр: John Dower Великобритания, 2008, 90 min Gripping reconstruction of one of the most dramatic sporting events of all time, the 1975 rematch between Muhammad Ali and Joe Frazier for the heavyweight boxing title. Archive footage and testimonies from those who witnessed the «fight to the death» illustrate not only the drama in the ring, but also US sociopolitical realities of the 1960s and 1970s.

Wagah / Wagah / Wagah Режиссёр: Supriyo Sen Германия, Индия, Пакистан, 2009, 14 min Until 1947, Индия and Пакистан were part of British Индия. The peculiar «festival» of symbolically closing the border, which takes place each evening at Wagah, the lone border crossing, connects for a symbolic moment two nations that, after decades, still feel like part of a unified region.

We Live in Public / We Live in Public / Žijeme na veřejnosti Режиссёр: Ondi Timoner США, 2009, 90 мин. Европейская премьера This year’s winning documentary at Sundance is a fascinating portrait of Josh Harris, an eccentric visionary and propagator of communications networks — «the greatest Internet pioneer you’ve never heard of.»

Yugong Yishan / The Old Fool Who Moved the Mountains / Starý blázen, který pohnul horou Режиссёр: Joanna Vasquez Arong Китай, Thailand, Philippines, 2008, 30 мин. Европейская премьера Vasquez Joanna Arong (Neo-Lounge screened at the 42nd KV IFF) takes the viewer from a Chinese fable through Mao’s Little Red Book and on to an independent music bar in Beijing. This emotionally compelling movie takes a closer look at contemporary Китай as seen by peculiar "old fools,whose perseverance can change the world.

Конкурс «East of the West»

40-ci qapi / The 40th Door / 40. dveře Режиссёр: Elchin MСШАoglu Азербайджан, 2008, 82 мин. Европейская премьера Fourteen-year-old Rustam lives with his mother in a village. After his father’s death, Rustam tries to provide for himself and his mother without resorting to illegal money-making schemes. But his dream is to join a music band. Thanks to its authenticity and lack of ostentation, The 40th Door offers a gripping excursion into exotic Азербайджанi cinema.

Alive! / Alive! / Žít! Режиссёр: Artan Minarolli Албания, Австрия, Франция, 2009, 90 мин. Мировая премьера Koli, a student, returns to his native mountain village to attend his father’s funeral. When someone takes a shot at him, he is alarmed to discover that he is ostensibly a victim of a blood feud sparked by his grandfather sixty years earlier. How deeply entrenched in people are the traditions of their forebears? And to what extent are they able to accept them as part of their modern, superficial lifestyle?, asks director Artan Minarolli in this psychological film drama.

Artimos šviesos / Low Lights / Tlumená světla Режиссёр: Ignas Miškinis Литва, Германия, 2009, 92 мин. Мировая премьера For the three young heroes of this Lithuanian urban road movie, night rides through the empty city streets offer a break from punishing routine. Director Ignas Miškinis creates an image of alienation in the modern hurried world, in which people are, in his words, «abandoned and lost, they’re moving away from those around them.»

Баксы / Native Dancer / Šamanka Режиссёр: Гука Омарова Казахстан, Россия, Франция, Германия, 2008, 87 min Aidai’s large courtyard is always full of visitors. The old woman cures privations of the body and soul, and can reconcile disordered relationships. When businessman Batyr builds a gas station and motel here, Aidai, distressed by the abduction of her grandson as well, disappears. Yet, only she can reverse the inauspicious concurrence of events…

Бумажный солдат / Paper Soldier / Papírový voják Режиссёр: Алексей Герман-мл. Россия, 2008, 118 min Therapist Daniil, his wife Nina, a doctor, and his lover Vera are involved in the preparations for Gagarin’s launch in Baikonur, Казахстан. Their awareness of the risks involved in the project has a detrimental effect on their relationships and adversely foreshadows their destinies. A far cry from the romantic atmosphere and official optimism of the time.

Djavolja Varoš / Devil’s Town / Ďáblovo město Режиссёр: Vladimir Paskaljević Сербия, 2009, 82 мин. Мировая премьера Devil’s Town is a film about people driven only by their basic needs, deep instincts, obsessions, ambitions, fears and frustrations. Is their moral crisis merely a consequence of the hard times they have to live through, or is it the other way round?", asks the director of the film. This black comedy about modern life in the director’s native country is the debut of Vladimir Paskaljević, after whose short stories his father Goran created the award-winning film The Optimists (KV IFF 2007).

Эль Пасо / El Paso / El Paso Режиссёр: Zdeněk Tyc Чехия, 2009, 98 мин. Международная премьера Věra Horváthová refuses to feel guilty for being Romany. And after her husband dies, she doesn’t understand why she has to move out of her apartment and give up her kids to social workers. For most of society, her existence presents a problem — luckily she finds people willing to help her. This story of a Romany mother, fighting a court battle for the right to raise her own seven children, was inspired by true events.

Gagma napiri / The Other Bank / Druhý břeh Режиссёр: George Ovashvili Грузия, Казахстан, 2008, 90 min Twelve-year-old refugee Tedo, scraping a living with his mother on the outskirts of the Грузияn capital Tbilisi, returns after seven years to his native Abkhazia to find his father, whom illness prevented from fleeing the conflict with his family. The Other Bank is a universal story which speaks of the consequences of war, of nationalism and of children who were forced by circumstances to grow up before their time.

A hetedik kör / The Seventh Circle / Sedmý kruh Режиссёр: Árpád Sopsits Венгрия, 2009, 107 мин. Международная премьера The film The Seventh Circle, whose title makes a reference to the seventh circle of hell from Dante’s Divine Comedy, tells the story of a gang of rural teenagers who, after the arrival of the mysterious boy Sebestyén, start experimenting to see just how far they can go. This unsettling philosophical drama which steps over the boundary of reality, was based on the motifs of two tragic events which recently occurred in Венгрия.

Ничей сын / No One’s Son / Ničí syn Режиссёр: Arsen Anton Ostojić Хорватия, Словения, 2008, 100 min Ivan is a former rock singer and disillusioned war veteran who lost both his legs and his wife’s favor in the war. Then he discovers a dark family secret that radically changes his attitude to life… The best Хорватияn movie of 2008 and the hands-down winner at the 55th Pula IFF with six Golden Arena Awards.

Полторы комнаты или Сентиментальное путешествие на родину / Room and a Half / Jeden a půl pokoje Режиссёр: Андрей Хржановский Россия, 2008, 130 min «Poets always return — in the flesh or on paper» — an expression of nostalgic resignation from Nobel Laureate Joseph Brodsky (1940—1996), visualised in an unusual film portrayal of the lives of his family. The film features animation incorporated into live-action sequences, while evocations of historical events are woven into the more personal elements of the story.

Раки / Crayfish / Raci Режиссёр: Иван Черкелов Болгария, 2009, 108 min Friends Doka and Bonza are unemployed; Matanov and Tsonchev are competitors in the world of privatisation, each has a dark past and an equally dark present. They’ll stop at nothing to increase their coffers, even if this means resorting to mafia tactics. Without realising what they’ve got themselves into, Doka and Bonza agree to become involved in a seemingly innocent, well-paid assignment.

Rysa / Scratch / Prasklina Режиссёр: Michał Rosa Польша, 2008, 89 min In his intimate psychological drama Scratch, director Michał Rosa tackles a delicate theme from the recent past. An aging couple’s long-term relationship begins to fall apart when the wife discovers that her husband probably worked for the secret police and informed on her father. The female lead is masterfully played by Jadwiga Jankowska-Cieślak. Utolsó idők / Lost Times / Ztracené časy

Режиссёр: Áron Mátyássy Венгрия, 2009, 90 мин. Международная премьера Lost Times is the story of young car mechanic Iván, who lives with his mentally disabled sister Eszter in a God-forsaken village on the Hungarian-Ukraine border. The wonderful, almost virginal natural landscape provides a stark contrast to the frustrations of village life. Áron Mátyássy’s debut is dominated by mesmerising camera work and a beguiling score.

Форум независимых

Forum of Independents

Adulthood / Adulthood / Dospělost Режиссёр: Noel Clarke Великобритания, 2008, 99 min Writer-director Noel Clarke plays the lead in his feature debut Adulthood. Sam Peel is just returning from prison where he spent six years for manslaughter. Driven by the rhythms of rap, this exciting movie plays out over the course of 24 hours, and offers an authentic portrait of Sam’s journey from adolescence to adulthood.

Eamon / Eamon / Eamon Режиссёр: Margaret Corkery Ирландия, 2009, 85 мин. Международная премьера Little Eamon still loves sleeping in bed with his mother Grace, something his father, Grace’s boyfriend Daniel, doesn’t much appreciate. He just feels left out and frustrated by Grace’s lack of interest. When the family is forced to spend a week’s vacation at the beach, their problems increase. Unfolding at a gentle pace, this unostentatious film is a promising feature debut with an original outcome that makes it well worth viewing to the very end.

Everything Strange and New / Everything Strange and New / Všechno to podivné a nové Режиссёр: Frazer Bradshaw США, 2008, 84 min Disappointed by life, Wayne personifies the flip side of the American dream. His everyday life is so grueling that it doesn’t even leave him room to find a way out — but in this he is far from alone. This introverted but provocative movie was presented at the 2009 Sundance Film Festival.

Fuga dal Call Center / Escape from the Call Center / Útěk z call centra Режиссёр: Federico Rizzo Италия, 2008, 90 мин. Международная премьера Newly-graduated university student Gianfranco is forced by a lack of alternatives to take on a tough job working for pitiful wages at a call center. His life, so far from his ideals, begins to resemble a living hell. This biting comedy takes a grotesque look at young Italians’ less-than-auspicious lives.

Сёстры на дороге / Sisters on the Road / Sestry na cestě Режиссёр: Boo Ji-young Южная Корея, 2008, 90 мин. Международная премьера After their mother’s funeral, a young sophisticated yuppie sets out with her older, earthy sister to find the father she never knew. The classic road movie here blossoms into a surprisingly complex and original work in which it is unimportant where the journey leads the heroines, but rather how it changes them internally.

Кислорд / Oxygen / Kyslík Режиссёр: Иван Вырыпаев Россия, 2009, 75 мин. Международная премьера To the rhythm of hip hop, rap and breakbeat, and reflected against the backdrop of a mixed-up world, two young presenters comment on the chaotic film-clip relationship between a boy and a girl, both called Sasha. Life-giving oxygen would sort everything out, but its strength is derived from knowledge of the Word and the laws of the Ten Commandments. Except that no-one understands them anymore…

Menteur / Liar / Lhář Режиссёр: Tom Geens Бельгия, 2008, 78 мин. Международная премьера Antoine is a 25-year-old loser who endeavours to prove to his family that he isn’t the idiot they take him for. He tries to find that dream job but, because he hasn’t the qualifications or intelligence for it, he embarks upon a tragicomic road from one failure to the next, which only fuels his despair… This agonizing study of the need for recognition is the feature film debut of Belgian director Tom Geens. Merkhav mugan / Secure Space / Bezpečný prostor Режиссёр: Oren Gvili Израиль, 2008, 50 мин. Международная премьера Because of the bombing, the citizens of Haifa, Израиль are not allowed to leave their homes. Jewish bride and groom Maya and Roi spend their wedding day in the cellar where the ceremony is to take place that evening. The closest members of the family have already gathered in the improvised shelter… Oren Gvili graduated with this poetic film from the University of Tel Aviv. With its contemporary subtext, this writer-director statement grows from an intimate tale of a spoiled marriage into a metaphoric contemplation of the eternal threat to personal space. New Дания / New Дания / New Дания Режиссёр: Rafaël Ouellet Канада, 2009, 72 мин. Мировая премьера During a long, cloudy summer, Carla spends her time working, caring for her house, and looking for her missing sister. Her friends and a stranger aid the girl in her search. This third feature from an unconventional and original Quebecois director will be screened at Karlovy Vary as a мировая премьера. Рамирес / Ramirez / Ramírez Режиссёр: Albert Arizza Испания, 2009, 90 мин. Международная премьера A drug dealer by day, by night a serial killer of lonely women…. A thriller about a young man from a well-situated family who eventually becomes a victim of his own heartlessness. This debut, which costars Geraldine Chaplin in the role of the gallerist, took Discovery Motion Picture at Sitges. La Tigra, Chaco / La Tigra, Chaco / La Tigra, Chaco Режиссёр: Federico Godfrid, Juan Sasiaín Аргентина, 2009, 75 мин. Европейская премьера Esteban returns to his home town where he meets his childhood friend Vero, who has grown into a beautiful woman. Old memories rise to the surface, new bonds are formed… This delightful low-budget directing debut by Federico Godfrid and Juan Sasiaín, crowned with a FIPRESCI award at the festival in Mar del Plata, rests, above all, on its authentic acting performances. Война польско-русская / Snow White and Россияn Red / Červená a bílá Режиссёр: Ксавьери Жулавски Польша, 2009, 108 мин. Международная премьера This adaptation of the literary debut by Dorota Masłowska, which was also published in the Чехия, tells the story of a tough nationalist, homophobe, racist and anti-semite called Silny. The film is a poetic, direct and disturbing portrayal of love, hopelessness and political burnout in contemporary Central and Eastern Europe.
